WBC’s President and CEO Andrea Zopp Speaks at Chicago Council on Global Affairs Workshop

In mid-April World Business Chicago’s President and CEO Andrea Zopp attended a workshop at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs regarding food systems at both a global level and then more specifically in Chicago.

Lisa Dreier, Visiting Scholar, Center on Food Security and Environment at Stanford University moderated the workshop. The conversation discussed identifying emerging food-system innovations to meet the needs of poor and underserved communities in the U.S. and internationally. Additionally, the workshop covered a new initiative called Food Systems for the Future (FSF), which would be a potential pilot for Chicago. FSF is working to identify, develop and scale breakthrough innovations to improve nutrition in poor and underserved communities in the U.S. and globally. Using innovative finance together with complementary services in business development, policy advising and partnership building, FSF will provide innovators with multi-faceted support to provide solutions in poorer communities.

Alesha Black, Managing Director, Global Food and Agriculture Program at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs hosted the event at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. FSF is being developed under Ertharin Cousin’s leadership at Stanford University; it is receiving support from the Rockefeller Foundation.

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