Business Executives and Chicago CRED Participants to Gather at Mentorship Luncheon

At the quarter four WBC Board of Directors meeting in December, Arne Duncan, Founder and CEO of Chicago CRED spoke to board members on his organization and the important work they are involved in with the Chicago community.

Duncan spoke to CRED’s multifaceted mission to reduce gun violence by working directly with the individuals who are most likely to carry a gun or get shot. They accomplish this mission through street outreach, coaching and counseling, workforce development, and advocacy and prevention. Chicago CRED works with local businesses to lift up youth, while in turn boosting the Chicago economy. During the board meeting in December, Duncan stressed the need for quality jobs for these young men.

As a result of the meeting, World Business Chicago and Carl Allegretti, World Business Chicago Board Member and Chicago Managing Partner at Deloitte LLP, will host a networking luncheon at Deloitte on Wednesday, February 19.

This event is intended to connect senior executives, decision makers, diversity and inclusion executives and talent leaders with young men who are a part of Chicago CRED. Chicago business executives will have the opportunity to meet and connect with Chicago CRED participants, a group of immensely motivated young men in need of work. The ultimate goal of the luncheon is to create connections and build relationships that last beyond the event itself.

“I heard Arne speak three years ago at a WBC Board meeting about Chicago CRED and the work they are doing to help young men. I was so moved by what Arne shared that I reached out to see what Deloitte could do to help,” Allegretti said. “Today, I’m proud to say Deloitte hired a CRED graduate who will celebrate his two year anniversary with us in March. This was a journey that took time, mentorship and understanding of the critical role business leaders can play in being part of the solution. Simply by looking at a candidate holistically, we can make a positive impact in Chicago. Next month’s event is a fantastic opportunity to start your own journey with CRED by getting to know men in the program.”

For more information on Chicago CRED, check out their website at

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