World Business Chicago (WBC) has named John Ramirez Executive Director of the Plan for Economic Growth & Jobs (Plan), the organization’s coordinated effort to assess and expand Chicago’s economy.

Ramirez had been the Deputy Director of the Plan for the past two years, where he oversaw significant growth of the Plan’s programs and initiatives. Most notably, Ramirez helped create the unprecedented regional economic development collaboration in Metro Chicago Exports and helped solidify local economic growth initiatives, including Chicago Anchors for a Strong Economy (CASE).

Prior to WBC, Ramirez worked for the global consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, where he focused on work within the manufacturing and public sectors, including economic development.

“John’s experience in both the private and public sectors is a great asset to WBC and he will, undoubtedly, continue to lead our teams to make an even greater impact on Chicago’s economy,” said World Business Chicago President & CEO Jeff Malehorn.

“My work over the last two years at WBC has been my most rewarding and challenging professional experience to date,” said Ramirez. “We have accomplished a great deal, yet our region still faces many significant economic challenges. I look forward to taking these challenges head-on, while leveraging WBC’s unique public-private partnerships.”

Under Mayor Emanuel leadership, WBC’s Plan for Economic Growth & Jobs was created in 2011 to provide a set of goals, a framework for research and analysis, and strategies to drive regional economic growth. The Plan strategies are being implemented by a robust network of public, private, foundation, and community leaders, and guided by a steering committee chaired by Michael Sacks, Vice Chairman, World Business Chicago and CEO, GCM Grosvenor and Glenn Tilton, WBC Executive Committee Member and retired Chairman, Chicago Council on Global Affairs.


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