WBC’s small business initiative, ChiBizHub recently launched a new online resource for Chicago’s business community to help manage the implications of COVID-19.

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This webpage provides frequently updated news, information, resources and hyperlinks to known Federal, State and City resources available to help small-and-medium-sized businesses manage the implications of COVID-19. The site will serve as one place where entrepreneurs, startups and small-to-medium-sized business owners can turn for information, support and more.

This webpage summarizes the programs meant to serve as immediate, temporary relief to ensure cash flow and to supplement any federal support you may be seeking, that will take a bit longer to activate. For example, all Illinois small businesses are currently eligible to apply for loans of up to $2 million from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) through the Economic Injury Loan Program.

You’ll also find specific resources and programs from non-profit and private companies as well as employee, family and childcare services to help mitigate the effects of COVID-19.

Over the coming weeks, WBC and ChiBizHub will be creating informational webinars for Chicago small business owners featuring subject-matter experts and others, to give you advice, tips, insights and more, to help you navigate these troubling times. Please be sure to follow us on social media for updates on the webinars.

We know that our Chicago small business community will be hit particularly hard by this crisis. This is the time for decisive action, and we hope that this informational page helps inform you on the ways and means your business can weather the storm.

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