Contributor: Markayle Tolliver

World Business Chicago salutes #WomensHistoryMonth by highlighting entrepreneurs and founders in Life Sciences and Health Care, one of Chicago’s fastest growing sectors experiencing tremendous innovation through tech. Today, we highlight Caralynn Nowinski Collens, the CEO of Dimension Inx., an organization that works with leading product and R&D companies to unlock a variety of clinical applications and accelerate the development of new regenerative solutions. 

Caralynn talks about her organization’s business model – 

We get told all the time that our company sounds like science fiction. Dimension Inx designs and develops 3D-printed therapeutic products that rebuild tissues and restore organ function. Our company is built on the premise that cells aren’t enough for tissue regeneration, but rather, we need to give cells the right environment to behave the way they are supposed to behave. Cells just need a nudge, and that’s what we do – we are the architects of regenerative environments. We give our bodies a blueprint to heal.” 

Caralynn shares how she first got interested in the life sciences industry — 

“For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a doctor. It wasn’t until I was a medical student that I saw that there were many ways to serve patients. That’s when I started my first company – a gene therapy company for brain cancer – and I realized that I was an entrepreneur. I later spent several years in life sciences venture capital and investment banking, before going back to the operating side taking the lead in building UI LABS. After spending eight years entrenched in advanced manufacturing, I developed a curiosity for how advancements in materials and 3D-printing were playing out in healthcare. This led me to Dimension Inx at a very exciting time when engineering and biology are converging.”

Caralynn concludes with advice to women interested in life sciences – 

“Find good, smart people who are willing to teach you and from whom you can learn. I have been extremely fortunate to have many amazing mentors who have taught me so much over the years. Learn from others who have been there and done that – and want to pass it on. Ask a lot of questions, even if you may think your question is ignorant. Healthcare innovation is hard and nuanced. But, it is also full of people who are genuinely motivated to improve the lives of others. I have found that they are also often generous with their time and willing to share their lessons learned to help others who are similarly motivated. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know.”

For more information about Caralynn and Dimension Inc, please visit

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