Economic Development Mission Builds Stronger Ties With The Two Cities

From February 18–22, World Business Chicago President & CEO Andrea Zopp joined Mayor Rahm Emanuel to lead an economic development mission to London and Paris in an effort to further build Chicago’s strong economic ties with both cities. The trip built on the momentum created over the past three years since Mayor Emanuel and London Mayor Sadiq Khan sign the Chicago-London City Data Alliance, a partnership between the two cities on economic development efforts, city data technology deployments, city data challenges, and data policy and strategy. Since its signing in 2016, London has been Chicago’s leading source of FDI from a city perspective.

In Paris, Ms. Zopp and signed a similar agreement with Paris&Co, Paris’ agency for economic development and innovation. The agreement will coordinate foreign direct investment strategies between Chicago and Paris and encourage firms from each city to invest in each other. It will also encourage greater collaboration on growing our innovation and technology sectors.

In London, Mayor Emanuel and Ms. Zopp took part in a Chicago Investment Forum at WeWork in London’s King’s Cross, where they also met with Mayor Khan. They met with prospective companies interested in locating in Chicago, particularly companies focused on tech. Ms. Zopp took part in a panel on why Chicago is an attractive location for international companies, and London-based Solstice presented on why they recently expanded their Chicago office because of the immense growth they’re seeing in the city.

Mayor Emanuel and Ms. Zopp also had the opportunity to meet with leadership from The Hoxton hotel, who is opening a location in Chicago’s Fulton Market District in April. The 182-room hotel will add over 300 new jobs to Chicago’s booming tourism industry.

Mayor Emanuel spoke at two important schools on his trip, the London School of Economics and Oxford University. He discussed Chicago’s leadership as a global city and where he sees the city’s position in the world today and in the future.

In addition to signing the economic partnership in Paris, Mayor Emanuel and Sydney, Australia, Mayor Clover Moore signed a sister city agreement between the two cities. This makes Sydney Chicago’s 29th sister city, extending the network to every inhabited continent in the world.

In Paris, Mayor Emanuel took part in a panel and sessions as part of the C40’s Women4Climate Summit.

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