New virtual series to focus on Chicago’s role as an emerging leader in the future of energy.

From startups to Fortune 500 companies, the city and region’s business community is playing a major role in developing new technologies and practical applications aimed at reducing carbon emissions and driving a clean energy economy. Launched earlier this month, the four-part virtual series will invite local executives, civic leaders, and founders focused on sparking new ideas, investments and partnerships. 

The kickoff included remarks from World Business Chicago President & CEO Michael Fassnacht who introduced Nicor Gas CEO, John O. Hudson III and the CEO of Trading & Integrated Supply for bp Americas, Dr. Janet Kong. Moderated by Clean Energy Trust CEO Erik Birkerts, John and Janet made the case for how businesses can harness innovation and technology to achieve substantial carbon reductions and get the world to net zero rapidly. 

Upcoming sessions will focus on the circular economy, hydrogen innovation, and the cleantech ecosystem. Want to attend? Email for more information. 


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