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January 24, 2022

Innovation Spotlight: STIGMA App

In 2021 Chicago’s Black and Latinx founders raised almost $28M collectively. I am one of the founders that contributed to that milestone, and like many undercapitalized founders, I don’t fit…

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January 20, 2022


去年是新冠爆发后的一年,虽然改观甚多,但因疫情导致的旅行限制、停摆和意料外的封闭等依然如故。值得欣慰的是,越来越多的人们得以重拾他们旅行的习惯。诸多航空公司、酒店和旅游服务业的收入数字也稳步增长。现在就请加入我们,一起关注芝加哥市招商局领英系列,了解我局成员引领芝加哥和全球各地包容性经济发展的第一手资料。 谈怡韵女士,芝加哥市招商局全球战略发展部成员,肩负“中国城市与芝加哥市贸易投资合作倡议书”对中方的长期承诺,于近日代表芝加哥前往上海 。该倡议书是一份互利的经济合作协议,旨在助力芝加哥在世界舞台的蓬勃发展。中方合作城市为北京、上海、天津、青岛、沈阳、杭州、成都和武汉。 谈怡韵, 芝加哥市招商局国际商务发展部副主任 在疫情依然笼罩全球并深刻影响着商务旅行之际,我有幸与大家分享近期对中国上海的访问经历。距离上一次芝加哥与中国伙伴面对面的会见以及代表团互访已整整两年。 如今,登机前的一系列核酸、抗体检测,更加漫长的飞行时间,以及落地上海后14+7的隔离监测期,使得往返中美变得异常辛苦。但纵然旅途奔波,回首这次行程依旧倍感值得,因为它证明了面对面交流的重要性,并让我们中芝关系在风云变幻、不断连接的世界中始终保持真诚和真实。 在上海期间,我拜会了上海市外国投资促进中心、上海市外事办公室以及在芝加哥开设分支机构的上海企业。每家单位都对芝加哥在疫情以来始终与中方合作伙伴保持线上密切联系,并在机会成熟之际即派代表亲自到访深表触动。 我很荣幸能够代表芝加哥出席两年来首次面对面的会议。上海的这一系列会面随即恢复了所有善意和感情。大家都很确信无论遇到什么困难和挑战,上海和芝加哥两座城市之间的友谊将始终保持不变,而且在经历风雨之后只会更加深厚。两市将致力于商务合作,促进和支持双向投资贸易活动。上海市外办副主任贝兆健先生还代表上海市政府邀请芝加哥招商局率领商务代表团参加2022年11月在上海举办的中国国际进口博览会。

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January 06, 2022

Project Coordinator, Public Sector Investment Strategy Team (2) – Focused on public-private developments and infrastructure-focused grant opportunities.

Project Coordinator, Public Sector Investment Strategy Team (2) – Focused on public-private developments and infrastructure-focused grant opportunities. World Business Chicago (WBC) is a public-private, non-profit partnership that drives inclusive economic…

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January 06, 2022

Project Coordinator, Public Sector Investment Strategy Team (1) – Focused on WBC’s Industry Sector Development ARPA initiatives and business-focused federal grants

Project Coordinator, Public Sector Investment Strategy Team (1) – Focused on WBC’s Industry Sector Development ARPA initiatives and business-focused federal grants World Business Chicago (WBC) is a public-private, non-profit partnership…

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January 06, 2022

Program Manager, Chicago Sister Cities International

Program Manager, Chicago Sister Cities International Global Strategic Initiatives World Business Chicago World Business Chicago (WBC) is a public-private, non-profit partnership that drives inclusive economic growth and job creation, supports…

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January 06, 2022

Venture Events Coordinator, Innovation & Venture

Venture Events Coordinator, Innovation & Venture World Business Chicago is a public-private, non-profit partnership that drives inclusive economic growth and job creation, supports business, and promotes Chicago as a leading…

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December 02, 2021

ThinkChicago Program Associate, ThinkChicago

ThinkChicago Program Associate, ThinkChicago World Business Chicago World Business Chicago (WBC) is a public-private, non-profit partnership that drives inclusive economic growth and job creation, supports business, and promotes Chicago as…

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November 29, 2021

Cinespace Chicago

Congratulations Cinespace Chicago Film Studios on its acquisition by TPG Real Estate. This is a prime example of why the expansion of our film and TV industry remains a strong…

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